Thursday 20 March 2014


What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer Media

Bauer Media is a division of the Bauer Media Group, Europe’s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Group is a worldwide media empire offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations.
Publishing is the process of production and releasing of a magazine, which makes it available to the public. This 
includes the stages of development, editing, graphic design and printing. Marketing and distribution is included 
within the publishing of a magazine. I chose Bauer Media Group as my publishing company as they have a good reputation of publishing magazines. Bauer Media publish such magazines as Closer, GRAZIA, Q, KERRANG! etc. 
GRAZIA is quite close to my magazine, other than it is about fashion and BEAT is about music. The style and layout are quite similar. Q will feature some of the same genre of artists in their magazine as BEAT. I've linked these together to create BEAT, a music magazine made fro the audience of 16-24 year old females. As this is my target audience, I have priced BEAT at £2, which is within their price range. Grazia is currently priced at £2 per issue and Q is priced at  £3.99 per issue, with this in mind, Q is a larger magazine with a lot more content inside. 
Bauer will publish BEAT but will also help in all other areas as well. It will help fund BEAT. This will be done by slotting a copy of BEAT into their previously owned music magazine Q. This will give BEAT some recognition within the targeted audience and also generate some funds towards making it a solo magazine. This will be done by competitions to raise the money as they will know by this how many potential readers they may recieve. 
As Q is sold in many supermarkets around the UK, I feel that this would be a beneficial place to start selling BEAT as I feel that most magazines are brought through supermarkets. BEAT will also have an online website where readers can subscribe to the magazine and find out more about competitions and artists featured inside.
Bauer Media Group will also advertise BEAT on their website to try and gain more recognition for the magazine. This will help a lot more people know about BEAT if they haven't already as Bauer Media Group is quite a well known company. Being involved in Bauer Media Group will also be ideal for BEAT magazine as they have quite a lot of contacts as they are a major publishing company. This means that BEAT can use Bauer's distribution and management contacts. 
Bauer's current magazine's are quite popular. Grazia magazine sells an average of 218,000 copies per month, Q magazine sells around 52,781 per six months, Kerrang! 37,603 per month
Closer 351,632  per month. I am aiming for BEAT to be as successful because I think it has the potential to be successful as it follows most of the conventions of a popular pop magazine. 

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